Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Bake Brownies Chocolate Cake Recipe

Bake Brownies Chocolate Cake Recipe Simple And Delicious

Bake Brownies Chocolate Cake Recipe - Hayo, who does not know the cake on this one? Liked by all people, especially the air that chocolate lovers! This cake is not only famous for chocolate but also a touch of texture and additional variations are manifold. Can be added to the cheese, grain grated chocolate, or nuts. And this cake can also be accompanied by cappuccino, coffee, and tea. ...... mmmm yummy!

Bake Brownies Chocolate Cake Recipe Simple And Delicious!
Illustration Figure Simple Recipes Baked Chocolate Brownies

Before we go any further to know how to make baked chocolate brownie recipe, we must know ya about the early history of brownies. Does not know the brownies were created starting from where?

History Origin Brownies

History Brownies first appeared in 1893. At that time held an event is an exhibition titled Columbian Exposition organized by one of the major cities in America, Chicago, Illinois. It was also a chef of Hotel Palmer House makes an innovation cake after the Bertha Palmer hotel owner asked him to serve dessert for her and the women who were present at the exhibition.

History of Chocolate Brownies
 Illustration Figure History Chocolate Brownies

The chefs were asked to make another cake than others to cut into small pieces for easy food (source: wikipedia). Starting from there brownies continues to flap its wings to Indonesia are now circulating in the community.

Materials Needed In Cake Recipe Chocolate Brownies baked:

For this type of the brand may use any brand ya. Prepare the ingredients. Surely ingredients below are easy to find in stores supplies cake.
  • 175 grams Cooking Dark Chocolate, chopped
  • 100 grams Margarine
  • 1 egg
  • 250 gram Sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 200 grams Flour
  • 20 grams of brown powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder

Complement To Bake Cake Chocolate Brownies:

Do not forget to complement her brownies yes, you should use it all or can mix with others such as using chocolate jam :-)
  • Grated cheese
  • Cream
  • Brown Grate
  • Strawberry

Equipment To Make Chocolate Cake Bake Brownies:

Here it is the equipment that must be prepared.
  • mixer
  • Loyang Brownies 11x22cm
  • paper Bread
  • Oven
  • Knife

How To Make Chocolate Cake Bake Brownies:

Okay, we have created a way to make chocolate brownies roast below.
Bake Brownies Chocolate Cake Recipe Simple And Delicious!
Illustration Figure How To Make Chocolate Brownies Easy Bake

  1. Team Dark Chocolate and Cocoa butter, then set aside.
  2. Stir the eggs and sugar with a mixer until the mixture thickens and the sand looks inflated
  3. Enter Wheat Flour, Brown already in teams, and Baking Powder-sifter sifted slowly. And stir again until the dough evenly.
  4. Once the dough begins evenly, turn off the mixer. Meanwhile, prepare the Loyang Brownies and spread margarine taste. Alas Give bread so the results will not stick to the cake.
  5. Heat the oven first. Then Pour batter into pan Brownies.
  6. Oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 160 degrees C.
  7. Once cooked, let stand for a moment Brownies. After a cold, prepare Cream, Grated Cheese, Chocolate Grate for complementary variations at once decorate browniesBake Chocolate Cake Recipe Browines Simple And Delicious 

Tips to Make Brownies Yang Enak

Before making chocolate brownies baked, let's understand first to make browniesnya tips. This will affect the final result as well you know.
  1. Do not be too long stir - stir the dough is too long will cause brownies to be wet, dense, and chewy. 
  2. Use pan made of stainless steel - Avoid a plate of glass or basic dark-colored baking sheet. Do not use a non-stick because it will cause brownies volume to be reduced.
  3. Use beans that have been roasted - If you add a nut topping over the surface of brownies, nuts should dipanggangkan first so fragrant aroma out.
  4. Refrigerate the brownies that are ripe for a moment - It avoids the fragility of the brownies at the time of discharge.
  5. Increase the volume texture brownies - How? It's easy. The dough is finished and ready to be grilled, can be put in the refrigerator first. Save for a few hours or leave overnight.
  6. Use two pans of different sizes - If you want to melt the butter and dark cooking chocolate, the best way is a large pot filled with water and cook until boiling. Then place a small pancil over a large pot. Then enter the butter and dark cooking chocolate. Stir until melted.
  7. Do not let the brownies that has been cooked in the fridge! - This will cause brownies become dry quickly unless you want to keep them in the long term, brownies can last between 4-6 months in the freezer. We recommend that if brownies already eaten half of it, store it in a sealed container.
  8. Skewer the maturity level oven brownies with you - Each oven has a maturity levels vary.To find out whether it is fully cooked, you can check by using a jab a stick in the center of the cake. If it brownie crumbs attached to the skewer sticks means the brownies are ripe.Another case with fudge brownies, you could see the brownies that are ripe for sure will slightly shrink the size of the pan first batter.
  9. Brownies performed with mini muffin tins, why not? - Suitable for who do not want too much trouble to cut browniesnya. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Benefits Of Chocolate Brownies And Function

Many benefits come from the chocolate brownies this one is brown. Brown is a lot of rumor will result in obesity or acne, it makes a lot of misinformation to the general public. It will not happen if the terms do not eat too much and can do sports. Here are the benefits of the chocolate itself.

Benefits And Functions Brown At Brownies
 Illustration Figure Benefits And Functions Brown At Brownies
  • Helps prevent heart disease - This is because the chemicals contained therein make your cardiovascular system running smoothly. Especially if you eat Dark Chocolate, it can also reduce the risk of heart attack by almost 50% and the percentage of coronary disease 10%. There is no harm in eating chocolate is not it? 

  • Anti-depression - Thanks to contain serotonin which is a natural anti-depressant, chocolate can make us easily be happy and calm. 

  • Retard aging - Brown has a natural antioxidant to help inhibit facial lines and wrinkles. Hayo mothers, began to consume chocolate ya: D 

  • Lose Weight - This one certainly makes womanhood surprised, why a bar of chocolate to lose weight? Yes of course, in having fiber content of chocolate as well as wheat and bread. Surely it would give full effect and emphasize delay the process hungry. 

  • Smooth the skin - Nowadays many outstanding beauty products such as handbody, masks, etc. made of chocolate. The content of flavanols can protect us from UV rays, keeping the skin moist, and keep our skin in order to shine. Chocolate can also rejuvenate the skin and maintain skin elasticity know! Wait no more, but specifically for beauty products that contain the basic ingredients of chocolate should not be eaten yaa: p
Interesting right? A lot of things that do not know about chocolate that eventually turned out to have benefits that are useful to us later.

Thank you for Reading Articles   Recipes Baked Cake Chocolate Brownies Simple And Delicious!

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Finally, Good luck in the kitchen test your pet!
Thank you for visiting articles   Recipe Chocolate Cake Bake Brownies Simple And Delicious!